Welcome to the technically correct blog
H1 What do you mean by technically correct
the world is flat
Depending on your perspective and history, there’s a lot of stuff that seems obvious or maybe its just so well understood as common sense that there’s no need to look deeper.
Sometimes there small things, things that few people will ever really notice, contradicts that common sense but we tend to ignore them, especially when they are introduced by some smartarse that tries to correct that understanding with with “well actually”, or “technically speaking”. I tend to be that kind of person.
Why do I do this ? Partly because to me, those small things matter. We all say thing like thats a beautiful sun set, when the sun didnt set at all, “technically speaking” the part of the earth we happen to be sitting on turned away from the sun while the sun stayed exactly where it is. While nobody really cares about whether I’m technically correct while they admire the marvel of beauty, part of me knows that knowing stuff like the earth is a globe and that it orbits the sun changed the world in profound ways.
Thats why being “technically correct” is the best kind of correct, and its that kind of stuff I’d like this blog to be about.